NaNoWriMo: Week The Second (a stronger continuation… of the wrong thing?!)

This one’s up late, because I almost forgot to write it, whoops! (The nature of these ones is that I get to write them day-of to excitedly recount the week, unlike the bulk of my other posts.) 

So, it’s Week 2 of NaNo, and I’m ready to admit that I’m not actually working on the project that I claimed I would. I normally give myself the leeway to juggle projects, because words are words, and also because creatively I like to bounce around if I get stuck. It beats staring at a blank page, that’s for sure. 

But what do you know, the original project that I was going to quickly throw together and then get back to my Real Project… didn’t want me to leave. So now I’m at a beautiful 35k and absolutely 0% of it is on my second book. WHOOPS.


Of course, I’m at 35k on November 12th (without writing any today yet!), so I’m still sitting real damn pretty. I didn’t write at all last weekend, and I probably won’t again this weekend, because Animal Crossing. Also because if I’m this vigorous with my writing, I need to not burn out before the finish line. That would be a horrible end to the month. 

So my apparently-actual NaNoWriMo project is not only fanfiction, but a foray into sci-fi. (It’s Mass Effect, I’ll admit it. I wanted to write something for N7 day… I played myself.) I’ve always enjoyed watching and reading sci-fi, thanks to growing up on Doctor Who and Star Trek, but I’ve always found it intimidating to write. I’m not a hard science kind of gal, and my brain screams if I hand-wave technology and don’t plot out every single detail about a world. 

But HOW does a universal translator handle languages based on BIOLUMINESCENCE?

Of course, with fanfic, I’m playing in someone else’s playground, so that lessens the burden considerably. I’ve still had to come up with several things, deep-dive into interstellar travel and alien lifeforms, and even worldbuild with some polytheistic lizard people, but the bulk of the work has already been done for me, and I get to pull from there. For a start in a genre that’s intimidated me, it’s been pretty smooth—and damn enjoyable. 

I can’t see myself actually heading into the sci-fi genre anytime soon with original novels, but my next idea (outside of my two series…) does play a bit more with science than previous projects of mine. I won’t give too much away, but it does involve some multiverse travel—albeit with a fantasy twist. But the science is there too! 

I’m expanding my writerly horizons, and certainly expanding my already fat wordcount. It’s been a good NaNo season thus far. 

(And if you’re playing ACNH 2.0, and have a Maypole for sale, hit me up!)

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