Hello all my invisible, non-commenting blog readers! I, the illustrious and now extra world-traveled b.berry, am not dead! Or MIA or even KIA. (What would the “action” be for a writer, I wonder?)
A lot has happened in the past couple of years, huh? Let’s not talk about the state of the world. It’s depressing.
The state of b. berry: I have moved! Across an entire ocean, no less!
I have just finished my first full year living in Japan, and I’m loving it here. I also learned that of course my Japanese language skills aren’t as good as I’d assumed they were! Well, actually, my kanji reading is quite good. But my grammar is so far below subpar that it’s a tripping hazard in hell.
I’m still writing. (I’ll always be writing.) No, unfortunately, the second book in the Your Local Guides series isn’t out… yet. But hey, fanfic’s never let me down before. Chapter-by-chapter posting seems to be my ideal state…
It also does not help things that the damn book’s title appears to want to be the last thing figured out. The last words in the entire project written. Which is not how books are supposed to be published—I have things to be doing here, stupid title! We could be getting the cover work underway and social media plan started if it weren’t for you!
I definitely have a few cultural blog posts I’ll want to be making. I don’t have any new book reviews lined up just yet (though I am running a book club that’s covering a super cool book) and I’m not sure when those types of posts, specifically, will resume.
As for writing advice posts… Well, we’ll just have to see!